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The X-Analytics Primer

Updated: Feb 23, 2024

If you are new to X-Analytics, then you may find this primer helpful in understanding X-Analytics.

What is X-Analytics?

X-Analytics is a business intelligence application. As a business intelligence application, X-Analytics converts reams of information into bite-sized insights to inform cyber risk decisions.

With X-Analytics, you can gain a clear and reliable understanding of your cyber risk condition from a financial context. Once you have this understanding, then you can compare your condition with other operational risks to determine if cyber risk requires additional attention.

If your condition requires additional attention, then you can use X-Analytics to develop, manage, and communicate your cyber resilience strategy.

Is X-Analytics Easy to Use?

Yes. X-Analytics is very easy to use. Even though X-Analytics quantifies your cyber risk condition using over 100,000 calculations, it was designed for user ease and convenience.

In order to understand your cyber risk condition, you just need to build a profile using the X-Analytics profile builder. This easy-to-use wizard helps you enter information related to your exposure, threat, asset, insurance, and control profiles. Once you complete this process, then you have access to your bite-sized insights to inform cyber risk decisions.

What Are the Typical Use Cases for Using X-Analytics?

In most cases, cyber risk reporting is broken and provides a false or incomplete narrative.

With X-Analytics, you can provide a clear holistic picture of your cyber risk condition to all stakeholders in a context they can understand. This picture will help you gain the necessary support and champions to solve your cyber risk condition.

There are numerous uses cases for X-Analytics, and the list below are some of the typical uses cases:

Elevated Communication: You can use X-Analytics to elevate the cyber risk conversation because X-Analytics converts traditional cyber risk metrics into business aligned metrics. The business aligned metrics provide an effective way to communicate your cyber risk condition and bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Optimized Risk Mitigation: You can use X-Analytics to prioritized your risk mitigation plan. X-Analytics provides a clear and prioritized understanding of your top risk scenarios and the top control areas that would best improve your cyber risk condition and protect investment.

Optimized Risk Transfer: You can use X-Analytics to clearly understanding gaps in your cyber insurance coverage and to simulate the quality and benefit of insurance quotes from your insurance broker.

Return on Cyber Risk Investment: You can use X-Analytics to simulate return on investment for new and inflight cyber risk projects and technologies. This features helps organizations from wasting finite resources.

Board Reporting: You can use X-Analytics to present a clear holistic picture of your cyber risk condition to corporate directors and members of the executive leadership team. This picture includes perspective, guidance, and insights to inform cyber risk decisions.

SEC Cyber Disclosure: You can use X-Analytics as part of your business's materiality assessment process. X-Analytics includes a loss lookup feature that you can use to better understand the financial impact of an incident based on size or duration. This lookup features also includes worst-case (or black swan) outcomes.

Is X-Analytics Reliable in Determining My Cyber Risk Condition?

Yes. X-Analytics is reliable in determining your cyber risk condition. X-Analytics uses a patented and market validated approach that identifies patterns between historical data, your unique business profile, and the macro cyber economic condition. To account for evolving conditions, the X-Analytics approach is updated at least monthly.

Of course, we realize your business has experienced the realities of cyber risk in a different way. X-Analytics is just one way to think about your cyber risk condition. You should use X-Analytics in conjunction with your existing observations.

X-Analytics does present the major themes and possibilities of your cyber risk condition. However, X-Analytics is not a prediction of a pre-determined future that precludes unknown conditions and changing human motivations.

Use X-Analytics as a target at which to aim your actions. You are the agent of your cyber resilience strategy. Take what you need from X-Analytics to better manage, design, and communicate your cyber resilience strategy.

Where is X-Analytics Being Used?

X-Analytics is being used in a variety industry verticals, geographical regions, and markets.

Industry Verticals: X-Analytics supports 21 industry verticals, including hybrid verticals. Currently, the following industries are using X-Analytics:

  • Finance and insurance services,

  • Retail trade,

  • Healthcare and social assistance,

  • Manufacturing,

  • Accommodations and food services,

  • Information, software, and technology,

  • Professional, scientific, and technical services,

  • Transportation and warehousing,

  • Utilities,

  • Arts, entertainment, and recreation,

  • Management of companies and enterprises,

  • Wholesale trade, and

  • Aviation.

Geographic Regions: As another example, X-Analytics is being used by businesses headquartered in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Europe.

Markets: X-Analytics is being within the insurance market for insurance underwriting, within the private equity market for portfolio analysis, and within the consulting market for advanced cyber risk consulting engagements.

In Summary

X-Analytics is a business intelligence application. As a business intelligence application, X-Analytics converts reams of information into bite-sized insights to inform cyber risk decisions.

X-Analytics is very easy to use. The easy-to-use profile wizard helps you enter information related to your business to gain instance access to your bite-sized insights.

X-Analytics is being used by a variety of industries, headquartered in key geographies, to elevate the cyber risk conversation, to optimize risk mitigation and transfer, to improve return on investment, to effectively communicate with the board, to improve cyber insurance underwriting, and to properly analyze cyber risk within a private equity portfolio.

X-Analytics is reliable in determining your cyber risk condition by built upon a patented and market validated method and model. However, X-Analytics is not a prediction of a pre-determined future that precludes unknown conditions and changing human motivations. Use X-Anaytcs as a target at which to aim your actions.


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