Here at X-Analytics we want to ensure we are always delivering value and innovation. In that regard, we are pleased to announce the latest release of updates to the X-Analytics application on December 14, 2023.
Below is a summary of updates released to the application. If you are an X-Analytics customer and would like further information, please contact your Customer Success Lead.
New Features & Functionality
New Cyber Risk Condition page: In a ongoing effort to bring further value to the X-Analtyics application we are working toward adding further reporting within X-Analtyics that focuses on a more narrative review of outputs with detailed explinations and references to outputs so that X-Analytics results are presented in a clear, concise, and easily understood manner. As you can imagine, this is an ongoing effort but we are please to introduce the begining of this transformation in our Cyber Risk Condition page. While this page is still under development we wanted to begin to point you to this evolution and encourage our customers to check back over the next few weeks as we push out further additions to the Cyber Risk Condition page. Below is a screenshot of what the final page design for Cyber Risk Condition. We are confident that these updates will drive value for our X-Analytics customers.
Login Flow: we have introduced a new login flow to enhance the registration and login process and provide future flexibility.
Review of Previous Features & Functionality
X-Analytics SSO: We are pleased to announce that X-Analytics now supports SSO. No, no, that's not the seasonal Santa Sing-Off competition. . . but Single Sign-On is now available to all Enterprise Customers.
All organizational admins of an Enterprise subscription will see a new section for "Login Methods" within their "My Organization" page. Here admins will be able to enable and configure SSO for their organization. Once configured, an admin will be able to push SSO out to all users or individual users within their X-Analytics platform account.
For a guide to configuring and managing SSO with X-Analytics see: An X-Analytics SSO User Guide

Additional Features
General maintence to improve application structure and performance.
Bug Fixes
Minor bug fixes
If you have questions, please submit a support request or contact your X-Analytics Customer Success Lead.